
Gojek Bootcamp 006 - Android Module Day 3

Published at April 21, 2020

Ok, now I wanna share with you about my story in Android Module Day 3. Today we learn about RecyclerView, MVP (Model View Presenter) and Testing Pyramid & Test Doubles.

Gojek Bootcamp 006 - First 2 Days Android Module

Published at April 20, 2020

Hello all, now I wanna share with you what I learn in the first 2 days Android module. Android module as part of the Gojek Engineering Bootcamp. I will separate this article in two-part Day 1 and Day 2.

A story in iOS Module - Gojek Bootcamp 006

Published at April 14, 2020

Hello mina~🙃, This time I will share my story about iOS Module in Gojek Bootcamp 006. We start the iOS Module on 6th May 2020, this is the third module in this Bootcamp.

Gojek Bootcamp 006 - What I do in my Android Final Project?

Published at March 25, 2020

Hello there, finally I was finished my Android Module in Gojek Bootcamp 006. Before we finished this module, we got the final project, which is we should develop Todo List Apps.

Proudest Moment  -  Start 2020 with luck

Published at March 16, 2020

Hi, this time I wanna share with you all about the proudest moment in my life until now. I have had two lucks at the beginning years, first ones, I finished my studies in 3,5 years, and second ones, I got jobs in one of a big company in Indonesia.

Easy Develop Application With Flutter

Published at March 9, 2020

Google introduces Flutter on Google I/O 17 - Solution for creating an application with beautiful UI also has many variants widget for easy to use.